13 Easy ways one can use to Travel to the United Kingdom as an Immigrant in 2023

Are you dreaming of a new country to call home? When it comes to migration, two nations often come to mind: Canada and the United Kingdom.

Today, let’s shift our focus to the UK. With its enticing education sector, thriving business opportunities, robust healthcare system, and favorable policies, the UK offers a tempting prospect.

And let’s not forget about the breathtaking landscapes and quality of life it provides. But don’t be fooled; success in the UK requires hard work and dedication.

If you’re harboring the secret desire to migrate to the UK but don’t know where to start, worry not—I’ve got you covered.

And if you’re already in the UK and aiming to become a permanent resident, keep reading. There’s plenty of knowledge to go around. Let’s begin:

#13. Migrate to the UK as a Student

If you’re considering migrating to the UK, one of the easiest paths is through studying as a student. It’s a straightforward process: find a designated learning institution, apply, and get admitted.

To succeed in obtaining a UK Student visa, there are certain requirements you must satisfy, including:

● Be 16 years old or above

● Your sponsor has given you a place to stay.

● Have enough funds to support yourself and pay for your course

● Possess English language proficiency

● Provide parental consent if you’re 16 or 17 years old

For up-to-date and a take on steps on getting a UK student Visa, refer to the official UK government sources.

#12. Migrate Via the Start-Up Visa Program

The Start-up visa allows individuals to set up innovative businesses in the UK. 

Eligibility Criteria:

● Must have been endorsed by an authorized body (UK higher education institution or supportive business organization).

● You’ve received an “endorsement letter” before 13 April 2023.

● Must apply within 3 months of the issue date on the endorsement letter.

● Business ideas must be new, innovative, and viable.


● Submit an online application.

● Stay in the UK for a maximum of 2 years.

● Pay visa fees and healthcare surcharge.

The catch is that you cannot access most benefits or settle permanently in the UK.

Cannot apply for an extension of the Start-up visa. However, the benefits are worth it—You May be eligible to switch to an Innovator Founder visa, etc 

#11. Marriage Visitor Visa

You can apply for a Marriage Visitor visa and migrate to the UK if you intend to get married or register a civil partnership in the UK or give notice of a marriage or civil partnership in the UK.

The eligibility criteria and requirements for a Marriage Visitor visa are as follows:

● You must have no intention to stay or settle in the UK after your marriage or civil partnership.

● You must meet the other eligibility requirements, which are not specified in the provided information.


The Marriage Visitor visa is not for you if:

● Your EU Settlement Scheme status is showing settled or pre-settled.

● You have applied to the EU Settlement Scheme, and a decision on your application is pending.

● You are an Irish citizen.

● British citizenship: If you qualify for British citizenship, including the possibility of dual nationality, you cannot apply for a Marriage Visitor visa. Instead, you should apply for British citizenship.

#10. Migrate to the UK through the Global Talent Visa

You can migrate to the UK via the Global Talent Visa as a thought leader or potential leader  in:

● Academia or research

● Arts and Culture

● Digital technology

● You must be at least 18 years old.

Note: If you are from the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, or Liechtenstein, you may need to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme if you or your family member started living in the UK by 31 December 2020. Irish citizens are exempt from this requirement.

Requirements and Process

● Generally, you need to apply for an endorsement to prove your leadership or potential leadership in your field.

● However, if you have won an eligible award, you can apply for the visa without an endorsement.

● The visa application is submitted online. 

There is no limit to the total duration you can stay in the UK, but you will need to renew (extend) your visa before 5 years.

Here are fees you must pay that are peculiar to your situation.

#9. Swearing Asylum

This method is based on your situation and you must already reside in the UK. You must have left your country of origin or nationality and be unable to return due to a well-founded fear of persecution. 

This persecution could be based on your race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group.

Steps and Processes for Asylum

● Applying as soon as possible: It is recommended that you apply for asylum as soon as you arrive in the UK or as soon as you feel endangered returning to your home country. Delaying your application may affect its credibility.

● Screening: After you apply for asylum, you will have a screening meeting with an immigration officer. This meeting is to provide basic information about your case and determine if your claim can be considered in the UK.

● Asylum interview: If your claim is considered eligible, you will have an asylum interview with a caseworker from the Home Office. During this interview, you will be expected to provide detailed information about your situation, reasons for seeking asylum, and any evidence supporting your claim.

● Decision timeline: Normally, you should receive a decision on your asylum application within 6 months. However, processing times can vary depending on individual circumstances and the complexity of the case.

● Providing accurate information: It is essential to provide truthful and accurate information throughout the asylum process. Giving false information or documents can lead to serious consequences, including imprisonment or being required to leave the UK.

I wish you to remain in the UK for fairer reasons but Asylum. However, if it’s critical, more information awaits you here.

#8. Migrate to the UK as a Skilled Worker

The Skilled Worker visa allows individuals to work in the UK in an eligible job with an approved employer.

The eligibility criteria include:

● Having a job offer from an approved UK employer

● A certificate of sponsorship, and meeting the minimum salary requirements.

● Applicants must also demonstrate proficiency in English.

The visa can be applied for online, and decisions are usually made within 3 weeks if applying from outside the UK and 8 weeks if applying from within the UK.

After 5 years, you may be eligible to apply for indefinite leave to remain (settled status) in the UK.

#7. Sportsperson Visa

Are you a sportsperson? Here’s your chance to see the UK. To be eligible for the International Sportsperson visa, you must meet the following criteria:

● Elite Sportsperson or Qualified Coach: You should be an elite sportsperson or a qualified coach in your sport.

● International Establishment: You must demonstrate that you are internationally established in your sport and have a record of competing at the highest level.

● Endorsement by Sport’s Governing Body: Your application needs to be endorsed by the UK’s governing body for your sport, confirming that your employment will contribute to the sport’s development at the highest level.

How to apply for the UK Sportsperson visa?

#6. Migrate to the UK through a Minister of Religion Visa

The Minister of Religion visa (T2) is a temporary resident Visa given to religious workers or ministers entering the UK.

To Merit this visa, you have to meet the following requirements:

● You have a job offer within a faith community in the UK.

● You must meet general eligibility requirements, including age and language proficiency.

● EU citizens may be eligible for the free EU Settlement Scheme if they started living in the UK by December 31, 2020.

However, you need a licensed sponsor who will provide a certificate of sponsorship. You have up to 3 months before the job start date to apply.

Restrictions apply regarding share ownership and accessing public funds. Want to apply?

#5. Migrate to the UK as Healthcare Worker

The Healthcare Worker visa allows medical professionals to work in eligible healthcare or social care jobs in the UK.

Here are the key eligibility criteria:

● You’re a qualified doctor, nurse, health professional, or adult social care professional.

● You need a certificate of sponsorship from a UK employer approved by the Home Office.

● You must be paid a minimum salary, which varies depending on your job.

● You must be able to speak, read, write, and understand English.

After 5 years, you may be eligible to apply for indefinite leave to remain (settled status) in the UK. Apply here.

#4. Remain in the UK as Stateless Person

Similar to Asylum is to remain in the UK as a Stateless Person. To be eligible to stay in the UK as a stateless person.

You must not be recognized as a citizen of any country and be unable to live permanently in any other country. You can apply online if you are currently in the UK.

Required documents include:

● Passports

● Immigration status letters

● Birth and marriage certificates, and

● Proof of statelessness.

You may also need to show attempts to obtain nationality in another country.

Family members can be included in the application. You can request an administrative review if your application is refused.

#3. Travel to the UK via Youth Mobility Visa Program

If you’re within the age of 18 to 30 years of age and you wish to live and work in the UK for not less than 2 years, the Youth Mobility Visa Scheme is for you.

Major Eligibility criteria are:

● Age: You must be aged between 18 and 30 (or 18 and 35 if you’re from New Zealand) at the time of application.

● Nationality: You must have certain types of British Nationality or be a citizen of one of the countries or territories listed in the eligibility requirements. The specific list of eligible countries can be found on the official UK government website.

● Financial requirement: You must have £2,530 in personal savings. The balance should not fall below this amount for 28 consecutive days before submitting your application.

The earliest you can apply for the visa is 6 months before your intended travel date.

#2. Migrate to the UK as a Standard Visitor

You can migrate to the UK with the Standard Visitor Visa for tourism, for example on a holiday or vacation

to see your family or friends. 

To be eligible for a Standard Visitor visa to the UK, you need:

● A valid passport or travel document.

● Show that you won’t exceed your visit to the UK.

● Sufficient funds to support yourself during the trip.

● This means paying for your return or onward journey.

● No intention to live in the UK long-term.

Additional requirements may apply for study, academic, medical, or other specific purposes. The visa costs £100 for up to 6 months, with applications made online. Just passing through the UK? you need the Visitor in Transit visa (£64).

#1. The Death of a Spouse

Here’s an unpopular yet effective route to permanent residence in the UK that every spouse in the UK should know; indefinite leave to remain after your partner dies.

To be eligible for indefinite leave to remain (settlement) in the UK after your partner’s death, the following criteria apply:

● Your partner must have been a British citizen, had indefinite leave to remain, or been from the EU/EEA with pre-settled status.

● You are in the UK because you were partners.

You can apply at any time after your partner’s death, and you must be in the UK when you apply.

The application fee is £2,404, and biometric information will be taken.

If approved, you gain the right to live, work, study, and access benefits in the UK. After 12 months, you can apply for British citizenship. Staying outside the UK for over 2 years may result in losing indefinite leave to remain.


Are public education services free in the UK?

Yes, public education is free in the UK. Children from the age of three up to 18 can receive education in various stages, including primary, secondary, and post-16 education.

Are there job opportunities for skilled workers in the UK?

Yes, the UK provides skilled worker visa opportunities in various occupations, including management, finance, hospitality, healthcare, and more. There are job prospects in different sectors for those approved for a UK work visa.


There are multiple ways to immigrate to the United Kingdom in 2023, including options for students, entrepreneurs, individuals seeking marriage, thought leaders, skilled workers, sportspeople, religious workers, and healthcare professionals.

Each pathway has its own requirements and eligibility criteria, so it is important to review the official UK government sourcesand seek guidance to understand the specific details and implications of each option.

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