4 Reasons Why People Don’t Make it in the UK

Just as every cou try of the world, the UK is not without downside and success is not on a platter of gold.

O may not tell you that you will succeed or fail, but I can show you why people fail and what tips to be on the sunny side.

Do you have dreams of living and working in the UK for any reason? then read on.

In this article, we will explore four main reasons why some people struggle to make it in the UK.

#4. Economic Challenges

When we say Economics here, we mean all things related to how money is made to make a living; AKA all things related to the fiscal nature of the UK.

Not Enough Jobs and Tough Competition

Finding a job in the UK can be tough because there are not always enough jobs available that fit you. 

Many people are competing for the same jobs, which makes it harder to get hired. This means that some people struggle to find the kind of job they want or one that pays well.

Low Wages and Unequal Pay

In the UK, some people earn low wages, which means they don’t have enough money to live comfortably. There is also a problem with unequal pay, where some people get paid a lot more than others for doing the same job. This can make it hard for people to make ends meet and have financial stability.

High Cost of Living and Expensive Housing

Living in the UK can be expensive, especially in big cities like London. The cost of rent, buying a house, and bills can take up a big chunk of people’s income. This makes it difficult for people to find affordable housing and have enough money for other expenses.

#3. Educational Barriers

When it comes to doing well in the UK, education is really important. However, there are a few reasons why some people struggle to succeed.

Let’s look at three main reasons why education can be a challenge.

Not Enough Good Education and Training

Some people don’t have access to good education and training. In some cases, schools and resources are not good enough. This can make it harder for them to do well and find good jobs.

High Fees and Debt for Students

University can be very expensive in the UK. The fees are high, and many students have to take loans to pay for their education. This can lead to a lot of debt and make it hard for them to start their careers on a good financial footing.

Not Enough Opportunities for Practical Skills

In the UK, there is often a focus on academic subjects, but not as much on practical skills.

Some people are better at working with their hands or doing technical jobs, but there are not enough training programs or apprenticeships available for them. 

This can limit their chances of finding good jobs in their chosen fields.

Discrimination and Inequality

Discrimination and inequality based on factors like race, gender, or how much money someone has can make it difficult for people to succeed in the UK.

Despite efforts to promote fairness and diversity, some individuals still face unfair treatment and limited opportunities.

This can happen at work, where people may not be treated equally or given the same chances to succeed. Discrimination can also affect access to things like education, housing, and healthcare.

When people face these challenges, it can be hard for them to believe in themselves and make progress.

#2. Limited Social Mobility and Class Divide

Social mobility refers to how easy it is for people to move up in society and improve their lives. 

Unfortunately, in the UK, social mobility can be limited, and there is often a big divide between different social classes(especially for new immigrants to the UK)

Some people have more opportunities to succeed because they have access to good education, connections, and money.

Others may find it hard to break free from the circumstances they were born into.

When there are fewer chances to improve one’s situation, it can feel like progress is impossible and can limit a person’s ability to achieve success.

Challenges Faced by Immigrants

Immigrants face unique challenges when trying to make it to the UK. They may find it hard to adjust to a new culture, language, and customs. 

This can make it challenging to fit in and build relationships. Sometimes, immigrants face discrimination, which can affect their job prospects and access to important services. 

Immigrants may also find it difficult to get their qualifications recognized, meaning the skills they have from their home country may not be valued in the UK.

These challenges can make it harder for immigrants to succeed and achieve their goals.

Cultural Integration Difficulties

Adapting to a new culture can be tough for anyone, including people moving to the UK.

Understanding social norms, making friends, and feeling like part of a community can take time. Language barriers can make communication difficult, making it harder to connect with others.

Without a strong support network and a sense of belonging, individuals may feel lonely or isolated.

Feeling disconnected can make it challenging to achieve success and contribute fully to the community.

#1. Mental Health and Well-being

In today’s fast-paced world, mental health and well-being become Priceless factors for an individual’s complete success and happiness. 

Unfortunately, in the United Kingdom, several challenges contribute to people not being able to “make it” or thrive in their lives.

Let’s explore some of the key reasons why this is the case.

High-Stress Levels and Work-Life Imbalance

One significant reason why many people struggle to make it in the UK is the high levels of stress and work-life imbalance they experience. 

The competitive nature of the job market, long working hours, and demanding work environments can take a toll on individuals’ mental and physical well-being.

The pressure to constantly perform and meet targets can lead to burnout, affecting productivity and overall quality of life.

Lack of Mental Health Support and Long Waiting Times for Treatment

Another factor that hinders people’s ability to make it in the UK is the lack of sufficient mental health support and the long waiting times for treatment.

Mental health issues are prevalent in society, but access to timely and affordable care can be a significant challenge.

The overstretched healthcare system often results in long waiting lists for therapy or counseling services, leaving individuals without the help they need during critical times.

Negative Impact of Austerity Measures on Social Services and Welfare Systems

The impact of austerity measures on social services and welfare systems is another reason why people find it difficult to make it in the UK.

Austerity policies implemented in recent years have led to funding cuts in various sectors, including healthcare, education, and housing. 

As a result, essential services have been strained, leaving vulnerable individuals without adequate support systems.

This lack of support can exacerbate existing challenges and make it harder for people to overcome barriers to success.

How to Succeed in the UK

There’s always a way around every mountain and there’s no place without a problem. You just need the right idea to sail through tough times and the UK isn’t an exemption. Here are 4 tips to succeed in the UK.

#1. Manage Your Money

To succeed in the UK, it’s important to manage your finances effectively. Follow these tips to stay on top of your money:

● Create a Budget: Start by figuring out how much money you have coming in and what your essential expenses are, like rent and groceries. Make a plan for saving money and set aside some for fun activities.

● Track Your Spending: Keep a record of what you spend to understand where your money goes. Use apps or a spreadsheet to help you see where you can cut back and save.

● Save on Essentials: Take advantage of student discounts offered by stores, restaurants, and entertainment venues. Consider buying used textbooks or borrowing them from the library to save on academic expenses.

● Work Part-Time: Look for part-time job opportunities that won’t interfere with your studies. Many UK universities offer on-campus jobs or internships. Just make sure you can balance work and study without overwhelming yourself.

#2. Adjust to the Culture

Moving to a new country can be a big adjustment. Here’s how to adapt to the UK culture:

● Embrace Diversity: The UK is a diverse country with people from all over the world. Take the opportunity to meet people from different cultures and learn about their traditions. It’s a great way to expand your horizons.

● Join Clubs and Societies: Universities in the UK have clubs and societies for various interests. Joining these groups will help you meet like-minded people and engage in activities you enjoy. You’ll make friends and feel among.

● Explore Local Culture: Experience the UK culture by attending festivals, visiting museums, and exploring historical sites. Engaging with the local community will give you a deeper understanding of British culture and enrich your time in the UK.

● Seek Support: If you feel homesick or find it difficult to adjust, reach out to your university’s support services. They have dedicated teams to help international students, providing counseling, social events, and workshops to make your transition easier.

#3. Utilize University Support Services

UK universities offer various support services to help you succeed. Make use of these resources:

● Academic Support: Universities provide writing centers, math labs, and study skills workshops to improve your academic performance. Take advantage of these resources to enhance your research, writing, and study skills.

● Career Services: Visit your university’s career center for internship and job opportunities. They can help you with resume writing, cover letters, and interview preparation. Career services also guide career planning and networking.

● Well-being Services: University life can be challenging, so take care of your mental and physical well-being. Many universities offer counseling services, health clinics, and recreational facilities to support your overall well-being. Learn to ask for help.

#4. Work Part-Time While Studying(Students)

Working part-time while studying can bring financial independence and valuable experience. Here what to do:

● Understand Visa Rules: Be aware of the restrictions on working hours for international students based on your visa type. Make sure you comply with the rules while searching for employment.

● Manage Your Time: Balance work and studies by creating a schedule that accommodates both. Prioritize your tasks, set goals, and avoid procrastination to manage your time effectively.

● Gain Relevant Experience: Look for part-time jobs or internships related to your field of study. This will provide financial support and enhance your employability after graduation. Seek opportunities that complement your academic pursuits.

● Explore Flexible Work Options: Consider remote or freelance work that can fit your class schedule. This flexibility will help you maintain a healthy balance between work and study.


Can I study and work in the UK as an international student?

Yes, international students can work part-time while pursuing a degree in the UK. They can work up to 20 hours a week during term time and up to 40 hours a week during university breaks. It’s important to be aware of the regulations and find a job that doesn’t affect your studies and lifestyle.

How can I overcome culture shock in the UK?

To overcome culture shock, familiarize yourself with the language and improve communication skills. Join international student organizations that organize social events. Take advantage of the support services offered by universities and socialize with fellow students to build a network

How can I manage my finances as an international student in the UK?

As an international student, it is important to set up a budget to track your financial expenses. Consider different costs like accommodation, books, food, and entertainment. On-campus housing is a cost-effective option. Managing your finances will help you repay student loans without hassle.


The UK doesn’t mean success on autopilot, it only points to higher opportunities for greater achievements that’s why you must be ready to take on the heat.

Many factors can make you fail already; however, you should be focused on what fuels your energy rather than keeping tabs on what drains it. 

Following the guidelines in this article is your first step to success in the UK