7 Cities in Canada with Less Cold that You Can Relocate to if You Can’t Tolerate Cold

Canada is known for its beautiful landscapes, diversified culture, and nice people. However, for people who are not used to cold weather, the chilly environment in many parts of the country might be difficult. 

Some cities offer a break from the bitter winter if you find yourself yearning for better weather without sacrificing the Canadian experience. 

Let’s look at seven places in Canada that have milder winters, making them appealing to individuals looking for a more moderate environment.

7 Cities in Canada with Less Cold that You Can Relocate to if You Can’t Tolerate Cold

1. Edmonton, Alberta

Edmonton’s average low temperature during the winter months is roughly -13°. Edmonton is well-known for its dry prairie environment, which includes ice, snow, and severe winds. 

In addition, the city receives an average of 339cm of snow per year. Edmonton has snow on the ground for more than four months of the year, or 133 days on average.

2. Trois-Rivières, Quebec

Trois-Rivières, located roughly 129 kilometers southwest of Quebec City, with an average low of -14° and an annual snowfall of 259cm. 

It has a humid continental climate, which implies that temperatures vary dramatically from summer to winter. This contrast means that there are hot summers and long, freezing winters.

3. Quebec City, Quebec

In the winter, the average low temperature in Quebec City is -15.4°. At 303.4cm, Quebec City has one of the highest snowfall averages. 

Despite the snow and cold, Quebec City has a variety of exciting activities to keep the winters tolerable, such as the legendary Quebec Winter Carnival, which attracts visitors from all over the world.

4. Sherbrooke, Quebec

Sherbrooke, 156 kilometers east of Montreal, has an average low temperature of -15.4°. Sherbrooke also has a humid continental climate, which leads to long, snowy winters. Sherbrooke receives approximately 286.5cm of snow every year. 

Residents and tourists may enjoy a variety of outdoor sports, including skating, skiing, snowshoeing, and snowmobiling, thanks to the surrounding nature and snowy habitat.

5. Sudbury, Ontario

Is it any surprise that Sudbury appears on this list? During the winter, Sudbury averages a low of roughly -15.5° and receives an average of 263.4cm of snowfall each year. 

Sudbury’s location north of the Great Lakes puts it in the path of arctic air masses, which contribute to extreme cold outbreaks. 

Sudbury was just hit by an arctic air mass from the Northwest Territories last week. Sudbury gets snow on the ground for 136 days out of the year on average.

6. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Saskatoon’s average low temperature in the winter is -16.5°. Snow falls 124 days out of the year. 

Winters in Saskatchewan are frequently spent walking or cross-country skiing on the many snowy trails, skating, and appreciating the magnificent, icy South Saskatchewan River. 

The coldest temperature ever recorded in Saskatoon was -50°F in 1893!

7. Thunder Bay, Ontario

Thunder Bay is nearly 1,000 kilometers northwest of Sudbury and has a population of 121,621. During the winter, the temperature drops to -18.1°. 

Thunder Bay has the record for the coldest day in Ontario (with windchill) – -58° on January 10, 1982. 

According to the CBC, the winter of 2013-14 was the coldest in Thunder Bay in 35 years. 

According to the article, the temperature fell below 20° on 61 occasions. One of those cold days shattered Thunder Bay’s December low-temperature record, reaching -40°!

Other Cities in Canada with Less Cold that You Can Relocate to if You Can’t Tolerate Cold

8. Regina, Saskatchewan

Winters on the prairie are harsh! Regina is located 258 kilometers south of Saskatoon. The citizens of Saskatchewan’s capital are all too familiar with the harsh, chilly winds and thick snow that accompany the coming of winter each year. 

It has an average low of -18.2°F in the winter, with 11 nights below -30°F. Regina’s temperature plummeted to -50°F on January 1, 1885. 

This is Canada’s 21st coldest day on record. On average, there are 43 days with temperatures of -30° or lower!

9. Saguenay, Quebec

Saguenay, located barely 211 kilometers north of Quebec City, has an average winter temperature of -18.3°. 

Every winter, it receives an average of 321.7cm of snow! After St. John’s, Newfoundland, this is Canada’s second-largest snowy city. 

Dog sledding plays an important role in Saguenay winters; people refer to these activities as part of the Nordic lifestyle, in which you can zip through the boreal forest with your team of dogs, keeping an eye out for elk and other wildlife.

10. Winnipeg, Manitoba

We’ve arrived in Canada’s coldest major metropolis. Every winter, Winnipeg averages a low of -19.2°, with 12 days with temperatures below -30°. 

It is located near the bottom of the Red River Valley, making it vulnerable to high winds. Winnipeg’s weather is also notoriously dry, and many inhabitants are said to rely on humidifiers in their houses. 

Snow does not fall as heavily in Winnipeg as it does in other large Canadian cities. Every year, however, the blustering winds arrive on time.

11. Vancouver, British Columbia

Accepting Mild Winters Vancouver, located on Canada’s west coast, is known for its temperate climate in comparison to other Canadian cities. Winters here are mild, with temperatures rarely falling below freezing. The moderating impact of the Pacific Ocean contributes to the city’s temperate temperature, making it a good alternative for visitors wishing to escape the extreme cold.

12. Victoria, British Columbia

On Vancouver Island, a Winter Haven The capital of British Columbia, Victoria, reflects the province’s overall moderate climate. 

Victoria, located on Vancouver Island, has significantly warmer winters than the rest of Canada

The city is graced with old architecture, lush gardens, and a charming waterfront, making it a picturesque backdrop for visitors looking for a relaxing winter environment.

13. Toronto, Ontario

Canada’s Economic Center with Mild Winters Toronto, Canada’s largest city, has a diversified cultural scene, dynamic neighborhoods, and a comparatively mild winter temperature. 

Toronto, located in the southern region of Ontario, has warmer winters than cities further north. While snowfall remains a part of the winter experience, temperatures are more bearable for those who prefer a milder winter.

14. Halifax, Nova Scotia

Coastal Appeal with Milder Winters Halifax, located on Canada’s east coast in Nova Scotia, benefits from its coastal location, which results in warmer winters than its inland rivals. 

Halifax’s rich marine history, paired with a more temperate temperature, makes it an appealing alternative for individuals looking for a combination of Canadian culture and a more comfortable winter season.

15. St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador

Climate Distinctive in Canada’s easternmost city, St. John’s, located on Canada’s eastern border, has a distinct maritime climate. 

While not the hottest, the city’s proximity to the Atlantic Ocean moderates temperatures, resulting in more pleasant winters than in some other Canadian cities. St. John’s particular charm is enhanced by its vibrant culture and colorful row houses.

Best Province to Live in Canada 7 Cities in Canada with Less Cold

1. Ontario

Ontario is by far the most sought-after province for recent immigrants to Canada.

The largest city in Canada is also the most populated in Ontario. Most immigrants who chose Ontario as their home province made Toronto their permanent abode. 

More than half of the population of Toronto, one of the most metropolitan and diverse cities in the world, belongs to a visible minority.

Canada’s capital and the second most populated city in Ontario is Ottawa. One of the safest cities in Canada is thought to be Ottawa. 

Together with reasonable living expenses, Canada’s capital city offers a high standard of living.

There’s no denying that winters in Ontario can be bitterly cold. Temperatures in some portions of Ontario can fall below -40°C during the winter months. It’s all worth it when summer arrives, with temperatures reaching 30°C or more.

Ontario has a robust economy, accounting for 37% of the national GDP, owing to a combination of resources, manufacturing expertise, and exports. 

In addition, approximately half of all employees in high-tech, financial services, and other knowledge-intensive businesses work in the province.

2. British Columbia

British Columbia, located on Canada’s west coast, is noted for its stunning natural beauty. After Ontario, British Columbia was the second most sought-after province for new immigrants in 2021. 

Many people consider British Columbia to be the best province in Canada for immigrants looking for outdoor activities and milder climates.

British Columbia’s most populated city is Vancouver. Vancouver is a city in Canada’s Pacific region that offers stunning views of the ocean and mountains. 

Vancouver is a well-known location for major motion picture filming and has a thriving art community.

Victoria is the second most populated city in British Columbia. Situated on the southernmost point of Vancouver Island, Victoria serves as the capital and largest city of British Columbia. 

Victoria’s unique topography, moderate pace, and charm make it an ideal destination for any laid-back outdoor enthusiast.

British Columbia is a great option for anyone who prefers a moderate winter. British Columbia’s coastal areas enjoy some of Canada’s mildest winters, with seldom any below-freezing temperatures. 

Compared to British Columbia’s coast, the interior and central regions experience hotter summers and colder, snowier winters.

British Columbia has a diverse economy, with a strong emphasis on services. Major industries in British Columbia include manufacturing, mining, forestry, construction, film and television, high technology, agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture, and tourism.

3. Quebec

Quebec is the third most popular destination for newcomers to Canada. Quebec is Canada’s greatest province for immigrants who enjoy cultural activities and the French language.

Quebec, Canada’s largest province, is famed for its wealth of culture, maple syrup production, and the French language. 

Even though French is the official language of Quebec, the provincial government offers some rights and services to the English-speaking people. 

While it is feasible to navigate Quebec without speaking French, it is recommended that you learn the language. Thankfully, Quebec offers newly arrived immigrants free French instruction.

Quebec’s most populous city, Montreal is also the third most sought-after by recent immigrants. Often considered Canada’s greatest cultural capital, Montreal is North America’s top host city for international events, with a year-round calendar of well-established music, comedy, and film festivals.

The second most popular place in the province for immigrants to settle is Quebec City. The unique French-speaking city keeps a careful equilibrium between the past, present, and environment. 

Wintertime in Quebec City is not for the idle; the city offers a wide range of unique wintertime activities and attractions, such as the well-known Winter Carnival, downtown tobogganing, and trips to the Hotel de Glace. (Ice Hotel).

Quebec’s climate is renowned for its extremes.  While temperatures in some parts of the province might drop as low as -40°C during the cold months, summer temperatures can reach as high as 35°C.

Quebec’s economy is varied, with the manufacturing and service industries dominating. Quebec also spends heavily on research and development, resulting in growth in areas such as:

● information and communication technology;

● electronics and optics-photonics;

● life sciences and health technologies;

● food and nutrition;

● video games and digital solutions;

● insurance and finance services;

● green and smart buildings; and

● artificial intelligence

4. Alberta

Lastly, according to predictions made by immigrants, Alberta will rank fourth in 2021. Alberta, located in Western Canada, has some of the most popular natural attractions in the country. 

Alberta is well-known for its vast oil and natural gas deposits, cattle farming, the Rocky Mountains, and Dinosaur Provincial Park.

The fourth and fifth most popular Canadian cities for immigrants are Calgary and Edmonton, respectively.

Calgary is the most populous city in Alberta. Calgary, located in the foothills of the breathtaking Rocky Mountains, is great for outdoor enthusiasts. 

Calgary is also home to the world-famous Calgary Stampede & Exhibition, one of the world’s largest outdoor rodeos.

Both the capital and second-most populous city of Alberta is Edmonton. Edmonton, which holds over 30 events each year, never runs out of things to do. Edmonton also has Canada’s largest planetarium and was once home to the world’s largest mall.

Calgary and Edmonton have the most sunshine hours in the country, with more than any other Canadian city. 

The ample sunshine helps Albertans get through the winters, which can reach -51 °C in some regions of the province. 

Temperatures rise dramatically as the summer months go on, with portions of the province experiencing temperatures as high as 35°C.

The oil and gas business is Alberta’s largest, followed by agriculture, forestry, education, tourism, finance, and manufacturing. 

Alberta is the best province in the nation for newcomers looking to cut costs because it also has lower taxes than the rest of Canada.


Where in Canada is the finest spot to live if you don’t mind the cold?

Windsor, Ontario, is Canada’s warmest city. Windsor, Kelowna, Toronto, Hamilton, and London are the top five warmest cities in Canada. Halifax and Vancouver are among the other cities on our list.

What is the coldest place in Canada?

The coldest place in Canada in terms of average yearly temperature is Eureka, Nunavut, where the temperature averages 19.7 °C or 3.5 °F.

Which province in Canada is the least cold?

Nova Scotia is the warmest province, with an average temperature of -8.9 degrees Celsius. Despite previous assertions that it is the world’s coldest capital city, Ottawa is the third coldest in terms of mean daily winter temperature, trailing only Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, and Astana, Kazakhstan. However, it is the snowiest capital.

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The numerous cities in Canada appeal to a wide range of interests, including those seeking milder winter conditions. 

There are options to fit diverse lifestyles, whether you’re drawn to the maritime appeal of Halifax, the metropolitan vitality of Toronto, or the natural splendor of Kelowna. 

While the cold is a part of Canada’s culture, these cities offer a more temperate experience, allowing you to appreciate most of what the country has to offer without being overly cold. 

Consider your preferences, investigate each city’s unique features, and make an informed selection to choose your ideal Canadian home with a more bearable winter.